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Farnsworth Family Forum: Fall 2020

by Ned & Marisol Farnsworth — Otavalo, Ecuador

OCT. 30, 2020

Selfie of the Farnsworth family

Wow, it’s hard to believe that we are already in the middle of October. Since the public schools plan to complete this academic year remotely, we returned to homeschooling all four of our kids. Joel is a senior and Amelia a freshman in high school, and Jacob and Elias are third graders. Having them with us at home is a blessing that keeps us very busy. Please pray that we survive the 2020-2021 school year!!
Churches in Ecuador are beginning to open up with the required safety measures. We are proceeding slowly here in Otavalo and praying for wisdom. Since we no longer have a church building, our situation is more challenging. Last Friday night we held our first in-person meeting since March at a local restaurant for coffee and fellowship, and we continue to visit and host church people at our house.

Meeting in a local restaurant for fellowship

Ned started teaching a Thursday night course on preaching at our mission’s Bible Institute via Zoom. Although adjusting to theological training online poses its challenges, he finds joy in training the 13 class members for ministry at their local churches.

Another initiative for our family is helping with the online Sunday school of our mother church in Ibarra. This Sunday Marisol taught the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant to the children. Ned used his puppet Monsie to help him teach The Sower and the Seed. Last week the electricity went off during SS, but most of the children reconnected a few minutes later.

These are challenging times for all of us. We would appreciate your prayers for the following:

  1.  Guidance for decisions for our church plant.
  2.  Good internet for online meetings.
  3.  Health of Marisol’s mother Zulema.
  4.  Wisdom for Joel’s future plans.
  5.  Spiritual growth for Christians in Ecuador.
  6.  Safety for our mission’s churches who have already reopened.

Ned & Marisol Farnsworth have served with Liebenzell since 2001, and currently minister and teach at a church plant in Otavalo, Ecuador.

More about the Farnsworths

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